So, today I started my routine of cycling to work, and did I learn a lot, hopefully. 1, leisurely bike ride times do not equate to the same as a purposed bike ride time. I grossly underestimated how well I would make time to work, so tomorrow, I'll be leaving around 7am. 2, people are much more stupid then when you're driving with them. 3, A stock saddle is well, a stock saddle. You must upgrade or pay the up-charge to get a better one. There's nothing worse than a sore ass all day long. 4, I must learn how and when to gear up/down in order to ride more efficiently. 5, map out your route way before hand. I took the route I would normally drive (not the 417 Dean/University) and it was brutal. While at work I mapped out a bike route on Google maps and it took me through a local park and while it did not save time, it made for an easier ride due to no traffic, just angry, snarling, drooling and barking dogs that wanted to eat my legs.
All in all though, I thoroughly enjoyed my ride and look forward to tomorrows' ride in. I also decided to make a video of my restoration of the Cannondale H300 I got off Craigslist. It will be both fun and something to occupy my time in a productive way since I'm not getting a ton of calls for gigs. I've got to write out how I'm going to present the video segments, where I'll shoot it (most likely my extremely messy garage: weekend plans: clean & straighten up the garage). I'm really looking forward to getting that bike road ready.